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We are a couple who like growing plants outdoor and indoor and creating projects with our friends we move to Buffalo in 1994 as everyone knows the city of Buffalo is cold, our summer are short and growing season barely last 4 months of growing and then falls coming. This mean start bringing...
I think I love gardening because it requires a lot of patients that I do not usually have with projects. I will bang my head against issues and use brute force to get things completed. Gardening doesn’t work that way, germination doesn’t care about my timeline.
I'm just a lover of houseplants and succulents. Trying to keep them thriving.
I started gardening about 4 years ago and am being constantly teased about my obsession, in the nicest way. I do go so much out of it including a sore back but its well and truly worth it. The benefits far out way an ache or two. Imam looking forward to sharing. I'm having a bit of trouble...
At Ethos Seed Company, we believe sustainability starts with the seeds we choose to plant. We offer only No-GMOs, open-pollinated varieties of vegetables and flower seeds, grown right here in America.
I am a multi faceted personality with interests ranging from writing, cooking, making wines, reaching out, photography and last but not the least gardening. Gardening is my passion. I even gave up my city life just to be with nature.
I have more than 3000 square feet of native plant gardens scattered around my yard. I've also added several native and beneficial trees, as well as a garden pond. Please, whenever possible, add native plants to your yard. If you're not ready to commit to 100% native, try aiming for 60% native...