

New members, please post in here for a very warm welcome from the rest of the community. Let us know a little bit about yourself and your garden.
  • oneeye

Gardening Forums

General Gardening Talk

If your topic doesn't fit in to any of the categories below, but it's gardening related, then it belongs in here.
  • Oliver Buckle

Landscaping and Garden Design

Want some help and advice on planning your garden? Here's the place to do it!
  • oneeye


Lush and green or brown and patchy? Discuss them all here.
  • oneeye


From the tallest apple tree to the smallest strawberry plant - swap advice on growing fruit in your garden.
  • aniaquen232


Discuss how to get the best out of your vegetable patch, including when to plant and your experiences.
  • Oliver Buckle


Every kitchen needs a herb garden! Discuss them all here.

Trees, Shrubs and Hedges

For all your queries about trees, shrubs and hedges, including how and when to prune and what works best in your garden.
  • Jaxstudios


Plants which die back in the winter and bloom again in spring are known as perennials - discuss them here.
  • LouisFerdinand


There are over a hundred species of roses - from luscious blooms to climbing beauties. You can exchange advice and tips on how to grow them here.
  • LouisFerdinand

Indoor Plants

Talk about indoor plants and techniques in this forum.
  • oneeye

Other Plants

Got a query about a plant that doesn't fit into any of the other categories above? Ask it here.
  • Cubancook

Organic Gardening

Growing plants of all types using completely natural feeding and pest control.
  • redback

Plant Identification

If you need help identifying a mystery plant, post your query here. Photos definitely help!
  • Bat135

Compost and Recycling

We all like to do our bit to help the environment - discuss composting and recycling here.
  • cpp gardener

Diseases and Pests

Got some unwanted invaders or diseased plants? Here's the place for your questions.
  • Chuck

Gardening Tools and Equipment

Need advice on a new purchase? Or maybe you've found a fantastic new gadget? Share it all here.
  • DDD

Greenhouse Gardening

Greenhouses / glasshouses protect your plants from too much heat or cold and keep pesky bugs at bay - discuss growing plants in them here.
  • Felicja122

Seed Exchange

Need some seeds? Have some seeds you would like to swap? Check here to see what it's all about.
  • Meadowlark

Garden Photography

Whether it be the whole garden or a close-up - we all love to see gorgeous garden shots, so share them here!
  • JBtheExplorer

Garden Showcase Comments

Discuss garden showcase entries in the forum, you'll need to create a "showcase" to automatically create a thread in here.
  • LouisFerdinand

Members Area

General Chat

Off-Topic chat goes in here, a friendly hangout area. Please post any garden related queries in one of the forums above.
  • Ruderunner

News and Announcements

News relating to will be posted in this section.

Feedback and Comments

If you've got some feedback or comments about this site, please let us know in here.
  • MiTmite9

Welcome to Gardening Forums

Welcome to Gardening Forums where you can ask questions or find answers on a wide range of gardening topics.

Please join our friendly community by clicking the button below - it only takes a few seconds and is totally free. You'll be able to ask questions about your garden or chat with the community and help others.
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